Sunday, September 11, 2011

Too many options, not enough motivation

I'm at a point right now when I'm not certain what to do.

I feel like I finished my first book.  I'm happy with it and it is complete.

But...  I keep thinking "Ooo, I could tweak that" "What about this?" "Should I change this part?"

So maybe it's not complete.  But when do I know that it is?  I'm hoping someday it will sell and I know that an agent and editor are going to have all sorts of other changes to it to make it better.  So, while I feel it's the best it can be, I also know it's not.  Someone will want to change it.  So do I keep making changes now?  But then, when do I decide to send it off.

Part of this might be because two weeks ago I sent it off the 12 agents.  I recieved 7 form rejections and no reply to the others.  There's still the chance those 5 haven't looked at it yet, but that's probably not likely.  So, something needs to change.  Is it the query letter or is it the first ten pages?  And I don't even know if these agents got past the query letter to the first ten pages.

So there is option one.  Go back to the book I thought was finished and rework it again before the next round of queries.

Option two:  The book is fine.  It is the best I can make it.  This is like a multiple choice test where you look back at your answers, second guess, and the first one was right.  So option 2A is to send it off to the next round of agents with the same query letter.  And option 2B is to rewrite the query letter again before sending off.

If I go with option 2 (A or B), then I'm ready to move on to my next story, once again with options.  The story I just wrote has the possibility for a prequel and sequel.  I would like to do the prequel first.  I already have the characters developed, the world created, and a general plot idea ready to go.  But do I need a break from these characters?

I also have another story that is beating its way out of my brain.  It wants to be told something fierce and I really like the idea.  But it's not really anything like what I thought I would write.  It's also going to take quite a bit of research, physical and mental. Hmmmm....

So to recap:
Option 1: Take yet another pass at the finished novel.  Make sure it is as fabulous as I can possibly make it (even though I feel like I have already done this).

Option 2A: Send Query Letter off to the next round of agents
Option 2B: Rewrite Query Letter and send of to next round

If going with Option 2, do I start the prequel or new project?

This hasn't really helped.